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Our dedicated team of experts spend countless hours researching and monitoring various sectors of the economy, business trends, investor sentiment, smart money movement and geo-political issues.

We analyze reams of data and watch thousands of stocks and select one stock at a time that meets our strict criteria. Our proprietary system constantly monitors 27 critical data points. The data input along with the help from the group of dedicated team of experts we identify the stocks that meet our criteria and alert our members. We strive to bring stocks we think are poised to make a move, this early detection and identification system helps our members conduct prompt due diligence, necessary research and consultation, and take an informed and decisive action to profit from these fast moving markets. This unique and unparallel edge gives our members the ability to achieve above average returns.

The focus of our Research and Insight is primarily concentrated on the Small Cap, OTC/Penny Stock arena, where huge sums of capital is not necessary and the returns(on annual % basis)proportion to the invested capital could be significant.

Higher returns obviously bring higher risk, thus, the suitability of these stocks is limited to the investors/traders who could stand a total loss of invested capital, those who could not afford to lose should completely refrain from investing in the Small Cap, OTC/Penny Stocks.

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